English Division

Course of pathology for 6-year courses of English Division.

PATHOMORPHOLOGY- 2023/2024 course

Site of classes:
Department of Pathology, 3B, Pawińskiego St., 02-004 Warsaw
phone (022) 599-16-70 / fax (022) 599-16-71

Number of teaching hours:

  • 6-year course - 187 (lectures-60, seminars and gross pathology-40, classes-87)

Curricular affairs:  Magdalena Bogdańska MD, PhD (magdalena.bogdanska@wum.edu.pl)

Benedykt Szczepankiewicz MD (bszczepankiewicz@wum.edu.pl); Paweł Pihowicz MD (ppihowicz@wum.edu.pl); Łukasz Koperski MD, PhD (lkoperski@wum.edu.pl); Barbara Górnicka MD, PhD (bgornicka@wum.edu.pl)

Basic textbooks:
1. Cotran RS, Kumar V, Robbins S: Robbins Basic Pathology. W.B.Saunders Company, the latest editions (9th and 10th).